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Innovative solutions and modern technology make Enerva a unique partner in the operation and monitoring of critical energy and telecommunications networks.

Enerva in brief

Enerva is a Finnish expert organisation owned by Elvera, Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot, Järvi-Suomen Energia, Kymenlaakso Sähköverkko and Oulun Seudun Sähköverkkopalvelut that specialises in the monitoring, operation and maintenance of energy and telecommunications networks. Enerva offers services for network operation and monitoring and smart maintenance.

Enerva provides safe, efficient and reliable operating services. 24/7.

Renewable energy control center services

Enerva ensures that the power plant or BESS stays online and reacts quickly and efficiently to changing situations with years of experience – 24/7

Electricity distribution network operating services

Enerva manages the monitoring and operation of the distribution network companies’ network centrally, efficiently and in all situations – 24/7

Telecommunications network services

Enerva’s telecommunications network operating service ensures reliable network operation, efficient troubleshooting and fault repair – 24/7

Our customers

The network we monitor is the third-largest in Finland

Length of the electricity network monitored (km)

52 000*

Number of substations


Customers connected to network

300 000

* * The Earth’s circumference is 40,075 km

With Enerva, Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot improves the efficiency of electricity network monitoring and speeds up the response to faults in the electricity network. At the same time, more resources are available for operating centre work and the industry-leading development of electricity network operations is ensured.

Arto Taipale, CEO, Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot

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